Wednesday 9 April 2014

How To - Shopping at Beauty Counters

Enough to break anyone into a sweat, this might seem a bit of an obvious one, but for some the thought can be truly terrifying; I compare it to a man having to go underwear shopping, completely in over their heads all sweaty palmed and nervous. After all if you’re not very confident with makeup or don’t know everything there is to know, then quite often you can walk away disappointed. I'm hoping this brief guide will give you some guidance on how to avoid that and get the best out of your beauty counter experience.

One of the main reasons for me starting a blog was to educate and inspire people to try new things and understand that only you really know what’s best; that and my undying love / borderline obsession for all things beauty and makeup related.  

So let's talk about counter shopping; I’m not implying that all people who work at counters are terrible, quite the oppositein fact however I have had my fair share of being colour matched or rather colour miss-matched and being told thatgreen eye shadow is definitely my thing.  Ok I exaggerate on that last one but you get what I mean.

I have found the best way to deal with it is to go in there knowing what you want, if you’re in the market for new skincare regime or new foundation, then focus on this as it’sthe assistant’s job to try and sell you as much as they can.  If you feel the foundation shade you’re being matched to is too dark or too pale, whatever it may be then don’t be afraid to get them to test out a few more on you, hell get them to test thelot if you have to! Remember they are the ones with theknowledge and experience, they should be able to guide you in the right direction but It’s always going to be a personal decision, if you want your foundation a couple of shades darker than your skin colour then go for it.

I find foundation shopping is often the hardest when I’m at abeauty counter as there are so many variations to choose from colour, finish, price; add in artificial lighting, a busy shop and a bored boyfriend and you’ve got a recipe for disaster! I find getting samples is the way forward, even if it means nippingoutside into natural lighting to test it, this way you can see what it looks like in true daylight and decide whether it’s a good match for you. I like to take samples away with me and test them in the comfort of my own home as part of my normal routine as I’m not very good at having my makeup done at counters, quite often it goes in my hair and they end up taking off my eyebrows as well as everything else.

Saying that I have had some great experiences when counter shopping, MAC, NARS, Clinique to name a few have all take their time and made sure what I’m buying is right for me.I had my makeup done at the Giorgio Armani counter when browsing for their Luminous Silk Foundation and was stunned at the results, my boyfriend even commented on how good it looked and I walked away feeling money well spent on a foundation that matched me perfectly, (and the blushgoddammit!)

Counter shopping can be a great experience, stick to your guns, draw on the knowledge of the assistants and go in there with confidence, take your friends as back-up if you have to and don’t be afraid to say no. If all else fails you could always throw a loose powder at the ground James Bond style and make a quick getaway (I joke!)

Until next time……

Yours truly


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