Saturday 15 March 2014

Beauty Mistakes

Today's post is something a little different.  I wanted to tell you about my biggest beauty mistakes, from hair disasters to products I regret buying. It's not about bashing certain brands or items, its just that they didn't work for me and doesn't necessarily mean they won't work for you. I've also thrown in some very embarrassing pictures for your viewing pleasure, enjoy........

First up is hair extensions.  Why oh why did I ever think they looked good! I'm not saying all hair extensions are bad, as I think done properly they can look amazing, however the ones I chose and the way I used to wear them makes me cringe slightly now.  I have to laugh, if I had a picture I would show you,; I think thankfully though all evidence has been erased.  I used to get the 24 "clip in ones from Sallies and at the time I was almost white blonde. By the end of a night out they'd end up a stringy matted mess and the next day I'd spend hours meticulously washing them and hanging them out to dry over the bath.  It makes me laugh whilst writing this as I know there were others out there doing exactly the same thing (shout out to my sisters.)  Nothing wrong with it at all if that's the look you go for, however back then I think in my eyes they looked a lot better than they actually did!

Messing about with my hair colour, (shout out to my sisters again on this one.) As an ex hairdresser when I worked at the salon I was probably the most sensible with my hair.  Whilst the other girls would experiment with different colours and funky cuts I always played it pretty safe. Being a natural blonde there wasn't really too much I could do without fully committing. 

This all changed when one of my sisters went brunette, then not long after the other one followed suit. It planted a seed in my head I couldn't ignore, so a couple of years later I took the plunge and went dark.  It was ok for a while and I enjoyed the change, however after being blonde all my life it just wasn't 'me' and so I began the journey back to blonde.  I went through every shade imaginable, one of the most memorable being a sort of khaki green shade. I had a mix of brunette as the base and so many different colour  highlights running through, it just merged into this muddy mess.  In the end I decided to cut it all off and start again.


My advice would be if you're going to colour your hair  permanently only do it if you are ready for the commitment; be prepared for re-growth and invest in a good conditioning treatment. Highlights and lowlights are a great way of experimenting; equally semi-permanents and toners are great for adding subtle changes to your hair without the full commitment of a permanent colour.

Onto beauty; I don't have many beauty products I regret buying as I try and research things before I invest, however there are definitely a few expensive mistakes I have made. 

One of the biggest is the YSL Youth Liberator Foundation.  Retailing at up to £39, this foundation is my most expensive beauty mistake to date.  It's a combination of the wrong colour (B30 for reference, way too dark) and the formula . I find its too moisturising for my oily / combination skin meaning by around midday I've turned into a shiny mess.  I did use this on my Mum however and it was brilliant, covering her rosacea perfectly and giving her skin that gentle 'lit from within' glow we're all after.  For me this is a no, however on older, slightly dryer skin it seemed to work well.

Black eyeliner.  When I was at school the blacker the better. I used to use a liquid eyeliner to line both my upper and lower water line.  Ouch!! How I don't have permanently black eyes even now i'll never know.  It was such a mess, eyeliner would leak everywhere, all in my eyes, around my eyelids, weirdly though I used to get a lot of compliments at school and people would ask me how I got my eyes so black,  Well now you know.  As for the white eyeliner trend which involved burning the end of a white eyeliner then using this to line your upper eyelid, which luckily I didn't indulge in - we'll leave that for another time!

Lastly a special mention goes out to my eyebrows.  I didn't discover proper eyebrow grooming until about 3 years ago.  Until then the concept of pencils and powders was a mystery to me.  Now I can't get enough. My eyebrows are naturally shapeless, luckily not too bushy however they are pretty flat.  I get them threaded every 2/3 months or so and in the interim maintain them with tweezers / scissors.  I use a variety of brow products (depending on my mood) from powders to setting gels, waxes and more recently the Anastasia Dipbrow Pommade.


That's just about everything I can remember for now, I hoped you enjoyed this post and having a laugh at my photos :) What are your biggest beauty mistakes?

Yours truly


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